fall lawn care with someone raking leaves over grass

Your Guide to Fall Lawn Care

Ask any homeowner what they are proudest of, and you are likely to hear “my green lawn” come up more than a handful of times. A green, lush lawn is a symbol of their hard work and dedication to making their property look its best. But when autumn hits, that green expanse can very quickly be lost under a dense layer of fallen, dead leaves. This leaf layer can block sunlight from reaching your lawn and trap moisture, which can affect the health of your yard.


Woman raking leaves in Autumn

 Grab a Rake!

The most obvious step in proper fall lawn care once the leaves have fallen is to rake your yard. Without raking the leaves covering your green lawn, moisture will become trapped, resulting in dead grass. If your lawn is more extensive than average, try using a lawnmower with a large collection bag for a more efficient way to gather up a large number of leaves.


lawn sprinkler

Give Your Lawn Plenty of Water

No matter the season, lots of watering is always crucial to keep your green lawn beautiful and lush! Homeowners should not rely on rain or winter weather to take care of this essential lawn care step for them, as excess dew or more rain doesn’t mean that the correct amount of water will penetrate to the deepest roots.

 Best practice calls for you to give your lawn at least 1-2 inches of water per week. When it’s not raining, set up a sprinkler to make sure your yard gets deeply hydrated.

shoes standing in grass with fallen leaves

The Importance of Lawn Fertilizer

Grass roots will need water throughout the winter to stay healthy. They also benefit from regular fertilization, which can help keep roots healthy. With the right fertilizer, your green lawn will spring back to life as soon as the weather turns warm again.

The three most important are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

  • Nitrogen: Lack of nitrogen will lead to slower grass growth and thin, patchy areas that may turn yellow or brown.
  • Phosphorous: This macronutrient can aid root growth and seed development.
  • Potassium: Potassium aids essential functions such as photosynthesis, water absorption, and protein synthesis. 

For the perfect boost of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for your lawn, try Simple Lawn Solutions 16-4-8 Lawn Food.

There you have it - three easy steps that any homeowner can take during the fall to prep their lawn for the winter. With consistent raking, plenty of water, and regular fertilization with micronutrient-rich products, your grass will grow back stronger and greener than ever once the winter weather lifts!

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