How to Fertilize Your Lawn Responsibly

How to Fertilize Your Lawn Responsibly

A healthy, green lawn is the pride and joy of any homeowner. Caring for your lawn doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. In fact, with a little know-how, you can fertilize your lawn responsibly and effectively. Here's everything you need to know for growing a healthy lawn.

The case for fertilizer

Like any living thing, grass needs energy to grow. The energy for growth is harnessed from the sun. But order to do this, grass needs nutrients, especially nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Lawns, in particular, benefit from nitrogen because it promotes strong vegetative growth. This is what gives your lawn that deep green color. 

One way you can fertilize responsibly is to use products that contain little or zero phosphorus like SLS 15-0-15. Phosphorus should really only be applied if you have a soil test indicating a deficiency in phosphorus or you are establishing a new lawn.

When to fertilize

The best time to fertilize your lawn depends on your grass type. Fall fertilization helps your cool-season lawn recover from the stresses of summer and prepares it for winter dormancy. Grasses go into winter with a root system that is more resilient, helping them come back stronger in the spring. Summer fertilization is best for warm-season grasses as this is the period of their most active growth. During this time, the grass will absorb the maximum amount of applied fertilizer. 

How much fertilizer to use

Applying too much fertilizer can actually do more harm than good. Overfertilizing can burn your grass, leading to brown patches and bare spots. It can also run off into waterways, causing environmental damage. The key is to apply the right amount of fertilizer based on the size of your lawn. A general rule of thumb is to use no more than 1 pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet of lawn area at each fertilization, and no more than 4 pounds of nitrogen total in any growing season. Slow-release fertilizers are a great option because they release nutrients over time, making them more effective and less likely to cause harm if you accidentally apply too much. SLS 28-0-0 contains 10% slow-release nitrogen. 

Fertilizing your lawn is the best way to ensure a vigorous, green lawn come springtime. When applying fertilizer, be sure to use the correct amount based on the size of your lawn. Slow-release fertilizers are a great option because they provide a steady supply of nutrients over time. By following these simple tips, you can fertilize your lawn responsibly and have a beautiful yard that you can enjoy all season long!

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