

Absorption - The process of soaking up a liquid. In lawn care, absorption usually refers to the soil or grass root’s ability to absorb nutrients, water, or other liquid lawn care.

Acidic Soil - Soil characterized by a measurement of less than 6.5 on the pH scale. Acidic soils are also referred to as ‘sour’ soil and are usually sandier soils. This soil contains fewer nutrients than a more alkaline soil type. Acidic is common in areas with a wet climate.

Active Ingredient - In lawn care products, the active ingredient(s) cause a direct reaction. Additive chemicals in lawn care products may assist in the stimulation and absorption of active ingredients.

Aeration - The process of creating small punctures from the grass surface to the ground. Lawn aeration allows air, water, and nutrients a direct path for more resonant soil absorption.

Alkaline - Soil characterized by a measurement higher than 7.5 on the pH scale. Alkaline soil is more common in dry climates and therefore, more clay soils tend to be alkaline.

Annual Grasses - Grass plants that complete their life cycle in one year. The life cycle of these types of grasses starts as a seed, matures as a flower, and then ends back at the dormant seed stage. Annual grasses require seeding every year for regrowth.

Application - The action of applying a product. In lawn care, application usually refers to the use of a type of lawn treatment, such as fertilizer, onto grass.



Bahiagrass - A tropical warm-season grass found most often in southern and coastal states. Bahiagrass was first introduced in Florida as its coarse texture and preferred growing climate is suitable for hotter temperatures. 

Bermudagrass - A durable, high traffic tolerant warm-season grass. Besides residential use, Bermuda grass is often used for athletic fields, parks, pastures, and golf courses. This warm-season grass can also withstand some cooler temperatures and is beginning to adapt to more northern areas.  

Biodegradable - Organic matter or synthetic material that is capable of decomposing naturally. In lawn care, the byproduct of organic matter is recycled and redistributed to provide nutrients to plants and grass. An example of biodegradable product use for lawn care is organic fertilizer.

Blades - Blades are the linear leaves of grass. Grass blades trap and preserve moisture and move it down through grass stalks to grassroots. Grass blade size and appearance may vary, depending on the grass type.



Cation Exchange Capacity - Cation exchange capacity (CAC) measures a soil's ability to hold onto exchangeable cations, which are ions that hold onto organic, nutrient-rich matter. 

Centipede grass - A course, thick grass that grows lower to the ground, with creeping varieties. Centipede grass is heat tolerant and is commonly grown in warm-season areas, like the Southwest.

Clay soil - A type of soil with fine, tightly compacted sand particles. The compact nature and texture of clay soil create a slow-moving environment for water and air. Clay soil tends to dry out quickly, even though it may be retaining water.  

Clover - Clover is a drought-tolerant, low-maintenance plant becoming increasingly common to replace traditional grass lawns. Clover is revered for its low maintenance and affordability in comparison to grass.

Compaction - Compacted soil has particles closely packed together with little air. The nature of compacted soil does not allow for air and water to flow through and is a low grass growth environment. The process of aeration can work to release compacted soil.  

Cool-season grasses - Grass types that thrive in cooler conditions can withstand colder winter temperatures. Some examples of cool-season grasses include Kentucky bluegrass and fescue grasses.

Creeping grass - A grass type that spreads horizontally instead of with upward growth. Some common types of creeping grasses include bentgrass, Buffalo grass, and fescue grasses. Creeping grasses are hardy and are used in turfs that need to withstand substantial foot traffic, like golf courses.

Crusting - The result of dried, malnourished soil; the soil particles' size can contribute to its likelihood to crust. If particles are tightly compacted and unable to allow water, air, and nutrients to flow through the soil to plant roots freely, it will crust.



Dandelions - A common grass weed commonly found as a yellow flower or a fluffy, round white tuft. Like other weeds, dandelions can quickly seed, spread, and take resources such as water and nutrients away from grasses.

Dirt - Soil that has become dried, dusted, and depleted of nutrients and minerals. Plants and grass cannot grow in dirt and must be planted with enriched soil and adequate water, sunlight, and air.

Dormant grass - Grass that is not growing for some time. Most cool-season grasses become dormant during the winter months. Dormant grass may become brown or look dead but will regrow with the right temperature and change of lawn care habits such as water, fertilizer, or grass weed control. 

Drought - The period plants experience without rain or watering. Drought-tolerant grasses and plants thrive without much water and are suitable for dryer areas that receive less rain.

Dry grass - Under-watered or malnourished lawns can result in dry grass. Some signs of dry grass include yellow or brown patchy spots on your lawn. Dry grass is a sign of a deeper lawn issue that, if uncorrected, can result in dead grass. 



Ecosystem - The interaction and connection between the living and nonliving things in a physical environment. In lawn care, the ecosystem might involve grass, soil, and water, among many other factors.

Edging - Lawn edging involves the maintenance of the transitory line between grass and concrete. Edging is a lawn care technique that is used for aesthetic purposes to maintain a clear, straight distinction between the two grounds.

Established lawns - A lawn that has been through at least one growing season after seed germination. Established lawns have a healthy grass root system and are more durable against cold weather, weed interference, and other risk factors.



Fertilizer - A blend of macronutrients and micronutrients used to revitalize soil and grass. These various blends of critical macronutrients include some ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. There are two common types of lawn fertilizers: granular and liquid fertilizer.

Fescue grass - A cool-season grass that has adapted to many transition zones within the US. Fescue grass is a dense turf that can withstand heavy foot traffic. This type of grass is common for lawns, parks, and athletic fields.

Foliage - A general term used to describe the leafy greens of a plant. Adding foliage, along with healthy green grass, to your yard can enhance your home's curb appeal.

Frost - A layer of ice that forms when temperatures reach below freezing. In lawn care, you can ensure the health of your grass during the dormant, colder season by preparing it with lawn fertilizer 6-8 weeks before the first frost.

Fulvic Acid - A common lawn fertilizer ingredient, fulvic acid aids in delivering fertilizer nutrients from the soil to the plant, boosting soil health. The molecules in fulvic acid are small enough for proper soil absorption, unlike Humic Acid.



Germinate - The stage at which seeds begin to develop. After planting, germination activates through watering the plant. Proper steps must be taken before seeding for grass seed germination to occur.

Granular fertilizer - Dry fertilizer pellets formed from natural or synthetic nutrients. Granular fertilizers have a slow-release of nutrients as the pellets soften from water or rainfall, allowing for proper soil absorption.

Grass - A common, ground covering plant that grows short with tall, narrow blades. Signs of healthy grass include a vibrant green hue, full density, and lack of yellow or brown patches.

Grass Weeds - Grass weeds are invasive lawn plants that work against grass by competing for nutrients. Some common grass weeds include dandelions, crabgrass, and white clover. Weed control and prevention are factors in maintaining healthy grass.

Green Grass - The perfect physical color of most grasses. Green grass is a general sign that the plant is healthy and receiving air, water, sun, and proper nutrients.

Ground Cover - A more eco-friendly alternative to traditional grass lawns, ground covers grow low and spread horizontally. Ground covers are a viable option because they are low maintenance and ability to cover bare areas quickly. Clovers are a standard ground cover.

Growth Booster - A specifically formulated fertilizer concentrate for quick and intense lawn improvement. Our growth boosters contain both fulvic acid and humic acid, which aid in energizing lawns, fighting nutrient deficiencies, and increasing growth speed. 



Hardiness Zones - A standardization map created to distinguish grass and plant types with their ability to grow within specific locations. A hardiness zone map bases growth on a location's average annual winter temperature. Hardiness zones divide locations into different zones with a ten-degree temperature variance for each zone.

Healthy Soil - A healthy soil has a well-balanced nutrient content capable of growing healthy plants and grass. Healthy soil will also contain adequate moisture and have a proper drainage system.

Herbicide - A type of substance used to treat unwanted plants such as weeds. Herbicides contain a makeup of chemicals that kill plants at the root when properly applied.

Humic Acid - A standard lawn care ingredient used to aid in lawn fertilization. Commonly used in combination with fulvic acid, humic acid helps nutrients break through the plants' cell walls, so they are more readily available.  

Humus - The byproduct of decomposed matter necessary for good, healthy soil. Humus is an organic matter formed without the presence of oxygen.



Iron - A micronutrient used in lawn care that is essential for chlorophyll production. The grass may appear dull or yellow when soil is experiencing an iron deficiency. When used to treat soil nutrient imbalances, iron aids in restoring a healthy grass appearance.

Inorganic fertilizers - Manufacture-made lawn care products that are made from synthetic, non-living, or mineral materials. Inorganic fertilizers contain the necessary micronutrients and macronutrients that contribute to healthy soil and grass.

Irrigation - The act of watering plants, grass, or crops. Irrigation can be as simple as hand-watering or as advanced as having an extensive automatic sprinkler system. No matter which type of irrigation technique you use in lawn care, it is crucial to ensure your lawn receives adequate water.



Kentucky Bluegrass - A classic cool-season grass that can also bode well for mixed climates. Kentucky Bluegrass has a thicker, boat-shaped grass blade named for its dark green color that sometimes appears blue.  



Lawn Booster - A lawn booster is a fast-acting lawn fertilizer that enhances grass's physical appearance. Lawn boosters can give your grass a greener, healthier appearance faster than a traditional granular fertilizer.


Lawn care - A customizable set of actions with the goal of healthy soil and grass in mind. Lawn care techniques can include mowing, lawn watering, fertilization, lawn aeration, weed prevention, and more.


Lawn Food - The nutrient-rich lawn product that aims to feed grass, enrich the soil, and provide lasting benefits to the physical and chemical state.


Liquid Fertilizer - A liquid form of concentrated nutrient soil fertilizer mixed with water.

Liquid fertilizer is homogenous, well-mixed, and provides an easy application for lawns, plants, grass, and other foliage.


Loam - A type of soil with a mixture of clay, sand, and decaying organic material. Loam is a common ingredient for lawns due to its natural and organic matter that provides nutrients to the soil necessary to grow durable, healthy grass.


Macronutrients - There are three main macronutrients for soil: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These macronutrients are most common in soil fertilizers and are critical components of soil's chemical makeup to support living plant life, including grasses.


Micronutrients - A micronutrient can be one of many nutrients that aids in enhancing the richness and health of the soil. Common micronutrients that are critical to lawn care include iron, zinc, and sodium. Like macronutrients, too many micronutrients can cause an imbalance in the soil and be detrimental to plants.


Mowing - The act of cutting or trimming grass. It is common for individuals to maintain a weekly or bi-weekly lawn mowing schedule. To properly mow your grass to an appropriate length, aim to trim only one-third of the grass blades’ length. Over-mowing can result in lawn disease or a deteriorated state of grass health.


Mulch - A woodchip-like blend of organic material used in lawn care and landscaping. Landscapers and homeowners alike use mulch to cover and protect the surface of plants.



Nitrogen - One of the three main macronutrients critical for the soil's balance and health, especially in plant and grass care. Nitrogen is responsible for allowing plants to break down the sun's energy, contributing to photosynthesis (plant food production). Nutrient-deficient grass may look like slowed growth, yellowing grass, or thinning blades.

N-P-K - An annotation used in fertilization that refers to nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, the three macronutrients essential to healthy soil.



Organic Fertilizer - A fertilizer blend of natural materials, such as animal manure. The natural, biologic process that breaks down this type of matter works to reuse the bacteria, microorganisms, and fungi as a nutrient-rich application to restore and strengthen plants, such as grass.

Ortho Dial n' Spray - A sprayer device used to efficiently and effectively distribute liquid lawn care products. Use Ortho Dial n' Spray in conjugation with our liquid lawn care products such as fertilizers and lawn aerators.

Overseeding - The process of planting new grass seed over an existing lawn to provide a thicker, denser grass texture.

Oxygen - A naturally occurring element critical in lawn care due to its crucial role in helping plants undergo photosynthesis and respiration. Without oxygen, it is not possible for plants and other living things to survive. 



Palmetto grass - A variety of St. Augustine grass that is most prevalent in Florida. Palmetto grass is a fine, thin, low maintenance grass. Though it is classified as a warm-season grass, Florida Palmetto grass can withstand cool temperatures as low as five degrees without having adverse effects.

Perennial - Plants and grasses with a life spanning over two years and beyond are perennial. A common type of perennial grass is ryegrass.

Phosphorus - One of the three main macronutrients commonly used in lawn fertilizer that is critical in supporting healthy soil. Phosphorus aids in assisting plant roots’ nutrient uptake. Phosphorus, also referred to as phosphate, acts to deter and combat lawn diseases.

Potassium - One of the three main macronutrients necessary for healthy, well-balanced soil. Potassium aids grass by contributing to efficient nutrient and water uptake and helping grass cell walls become more durable.

Potash - Another term used for Potassium. Potash-deficient lawns show deterioration signs that manifest as yellowing, dying grass blades.



Quick-release fertilizer - A lawn fertilizer made from synthetic and inorganic chemicals that can release into the soil faster than those fertilizers made from organic materials. Liquid fertilizers are quick-release fertilizers, and their liquid state contributes to smaller particle sizes that are favorable for fast water-solubility.



Ryegrass - A cool-season, adaptable grass that has thin blades, usually bunched. Ryegrass is a common grass type for farming because its high nutritional value is a desirable grazing option for animals. There are several types of ryegrass, including annual perennial and Italian ryegrass varieties.



Sand - A dry, coarse type of soil that is low in nutrients. This type of soil is not optimal for sustaining plant life. Sand is one of the six main types of soil.

Seaweed - A nutrient-rich ocean plant that is used in lawn fertilization. Seaweed fertilizer is unique in that it contains necessary soil macronutrients, deep ocean nutrients, and plant hormones to aid in grass health and growth. 

Seeding - The act of planting grass seeds into the soil. There are several steps involved in preparing a lawn for seeding, including loosening and leveling soil. Seeding can aid in thickening established lawns.

Silt - A standard deposit found in soil that has fine, dry particles. Silt is almost dust-like and can be mistaken for sand.

Slow-release fertilizer - A slow excretion of nutrients from lawn fertilizer to assist in long-term nourishment. Slow-release fertilizers are comprised of organic materials, which take time to break down and decompose.

Sod - A readily available pre-planted grass grown for relocation. Sod is established and requires an installation that marries the grass to the soil to establish roots properly.  

St. Augustine - A thick, dark green, warm-season grass used mainly in tropical climates. St. Augustine is named for a city in Florida where it commonly occupies most residential and commercial lawns.



Tall Fescue - A type of fescue grass with coarse grass blades. Tall Fescue is a drought-tolerant grass because of its ability to store a significant amount of water.

Thatch - Thatch results from residual layers of dead grass and other debris that form between the soil and grass blades. This thick mat prevents grass from receiving the maximum soil, water, air, and other nutrients needed to travel down the soil.

Thistle - Thistle refers to prickly grass weeds that sometimes have a pink or purple flower. Thistle is a common grass weed found in fields and parks as well as residential lawns.

Topsoil - A highly concentrated, nutrient-rich soil used as the final layer in planting new grass, foliage, or vegetation. Organic material, such as a mixture of soil with compost, contributes to the nutrient-richness of topsoil.

Transition Zones - A regional zone in the middle of the U.S. with a mild climate to support both cool-season and warm-season grasses. Some common grass types found in the transitional zone are Tall Fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, and Bermuda grass.

Transplanting - The act of removing a plant from the root and placing it in a new area. An example of transplanting may be moving sod or turf from a lawn care facility to your yard.

Turf - Turf, or sod grass, refers to an independently established grass transplanted to yards. When using turf, there is no wait time for new grass to grow as there would be when planting grass seeds. When installed correctly, the turf will bind with the soil and grassroots will establish in the ground.



Upkeep - Lawn care upkeep refers to the necessary tasks to care for grass. Weekly lawn upkeep might include watering and mowing your grass.



Warm-Season Grass - A categorization of heat-tolerant, sometimes drought-tolerant, grass types that thrive in temperatures ranging from 80 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit.  Warm-season grasses typically experience a six month season of dormancy. 

Weeds - A general category of unwanted lawn plants. Weeds are despised in lawn care due to their ability to overtake a yard by seeding and spreading quickly. Weeds also take away water and nutrients from grass plants.

White clovers - A type of grass weed with low-growing clovers with three leaflets and clustered white flower heads. White clovers are a perennial weed.



Zoysia Grass - A warm-season grass with upright, fine blades that can also sometimes grow horizontally. The Zoysia grass variety is native to Asia and Australia but has become a standard North American grass for growing zones five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, and eleven.