Are you looking to find ways to perfect the look of your lawn? Before you can begin enjoying your yard, you'll need to put in some work, but that work doesn't have to be hard or overcomplicated. Excellent lawn care consists of useful techniques and the right products.
We'll break down everything you need to know about lawn care with our top five tips. You will be well on your way to admiring your lawn instead of spending days working on it if you perfect these grass care categories:

- mowing the lawn
- watering
- lawn aeration
- fertilization
- weed control and prevention
Consistency is critical when it comes to lawn care. Once you learn the right ways to care for your grass, executing these techniques should be a breeze. If you're looking to boost the quality of your lawn, stay tuned to learn more about our top five lawn care tips.
The Right Way to Mow Your Lawn
Mowing your lawn may seem like a mindless grass care task, but consider the length, pattern, and lawn mowing frequency before you start cutting. If you're unsure how short to trim your grass, use the general rule of cutting only the top third of the grass blades. If you're preparing your lawn for a season of dormancy or reseeding, this will factor into how long or how short you want to keep your grass.
Mowing your lawn in a varying pattern can be aesthetically pleasing, but it can also encourage grass growth. Switch up your mowing pattern to minimize any damage that consistent lawn mowing can do to your yard. If you find yourself in a lawn care rut, try mowing diagonally, in a square, vertically, or horizontally.
Lastly, the frequency of lawn mowing in your grass care routine can affect the health of your lawn. If cuts are too frequent, you can damage grass, especially if mowing in the same pattern. Find the right balance and frequency of lawn mowing by first starting with one week in between mows. If your lawn is too short for another trim after one week, go another week and see how your lawn does. You can adjust your lawn care routine, including mowing, to suit the season, region, and grass type when applicable.
Giving Your Grass Enough Water
A simple grass care task, such as watering your lawn, can significantly impact its health. Ensuring your lawn receives enough hydration is key to obtaining and maintaining healthy soil and strong grass. After all, water is necessary for grass to undergo photosynthesis. Without water, your grass cannot produce food and provide roots with the proper nutrition to survive, which is why this step is so critical to proper lawn care.
To assess whether your grass is getting enough water, check the moistness of the soil. Cracked and compacted soil can be a tell-all for dry grass. Drought-free grass is happy, healthy grass. Aim to water your grass with 1-2 inches weekly. Setting up a watering schedule and using programmable sprinkler systems can help keep this part of your lawn care on task. For more grass care tips, check out everything you need to know about watering your lawn.
Lawn Aeration
Aside from watering your lawn, the best way to combat cracked and compacted soil is to aerate your lawn. Lawn aeration is a grass care regimen that involves poking holes in the grass's surface and loosening the soil. These holes act as a tunnel for air, water, and nutrients to travel easily to the grassroots under the soil.
Though lawn aeration is not necessary all that often, it is a crucial grass care step.
Maintaining Nutrient-Rich Soil with Fertilization
The best way to counteract any physical signs of lawn issues is to go beneath the grass and assess your soil's health. You can keep up with routine grass care and maintenance, but only fertilization can help if there is an issue with your soil. By conducting a soil test, you can learn more about the soil's pH balance and nutrient-richness.
Having a well-balanced and nutrient-rich soil is critical to supporting living plants like grass. The essential nutrients to pay attention to are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
If your soil is lacking any of these essential macronutrients, you can restore balance with a liquid fertilizer such as these blends:

- Lawn Booster: Lawn Energizer Iron and Nitrogen Blend
- Lawn Food: 16-4-8 Balanced NPK
- Lawn Food: 3-18-18 High Phosphorus and Potassium NPK
Lawn fertilization should occur two times a year or as needed. Consider adding liquid fertilizer to your lawn care routine and see just how quickly your lawn will improve from the ground up.
Weed Control and Prevention
Before you apply any fertilizer, take proper grass care precautions with weed removal. Nothing can ruin a fantastic yard faster than an overgrowth of weeds. These fast-acting pests can take over your yard before your very eyes.
Weed control can seem daunting, but with these lawn care tips, you can keep grass weeds under control:
- Pull weeds from the root, stopping the plant's life at the source.
- Carefully discard weeds, making sure not to spread any seeds.
- Remove weeds in phases to prevent from getting overwhelmed with this task.
Ignoring weed growth will result in these pests taking over your yard. Weeds compete with grass to thrive, stealing nutrients and moisture away from your lawn. Once you can successfully remove weeds, weed prevention will become a part of your grass care routine. Actively check your lawn for weeds to prevent further overgrowth. You can get ahead of the game by spotting these common weeds in your yard.
To find the right products to nourish your lawn and help counteract pesky weeds, check out our variety of lawn care products.