There’s more to mowing your lawn than meets the eye. Mindless lawn care activities like using your lawnmower seem foolproof, but there is a right way to complete the task. We will break down the top three lawn mowing tips that will change your grass for the better.
With these lawn mowing tips, you can revamp your lawn care maintenance and routine to make it more effective. Understanding proper lawn care techniques will do wonders for your yard’s aesthetic and overall health.
Cutting Grass to the Right Length
Our first mowing tip revolves around knowing when to break out your lawnmower and ensure your grass blades are the right length. It can be easy to fall into a rut of mowing your lawn weekly, bi-weekly, or whenever you have time, but that frequency might not be the best for your lawn. When it comes to mowing your lawn, timing is everything, so pay attention to the height of your grass and the height of your blades.
To make sure you are not undercutting or overcutting your grass, aim only to trim the top third of grass blades when mowing. Aim to mow your lawn earlier in the day or later in the evening when the air is cool, especially during the hotter months. Shorter grass is more exposed to the sun, and this can be potentially damaging when the temperature gets too hot. You can combat this risk by making sure you are watering your lawn correctly and consistently.
Alternating Grass Mowing Patterns
When it comes to using your lawnmower, you'll want to make sure you perform the task properly. Incorrect use can result in damaged grass. Mowing in the same pattern too frequently can create issues as well. Our next mowing tip to avoid damaging your lawn is to have fun with your lawn mowing pattern and alternate the patterns with every cut.
Using a new lawn mowing pattern will give your grass a fresh design every week and encourage upward growth.
If you're in a rut with your lawn cutting routine, try using one of these lawn cutting patterns:
- diagonal
- square
- checkerboard
- spiral
It's easy to get into a habit of mowing your lawn in the same area, but with these mowing tips and pattern ideas, you will be well on your way to seeing your grass grow taller and more robust, even after just a few mows!
Keeping Your Lawnmower Blade Sharp
Lawnmower maintenance is one of the pesky but annoying things that come with keeping up with your lawn. Replacing and sharpening mower blades is a lawn care maintenance step that is often missed. To get the most out of your mower, our last tip is to make sure your blade is kept sharp.
Dull mower blades can be detrimental to your grass blades. They can cause damage that might fester into lawn disease, pests, and even lead to dying grass. Once you learn how to sharpen your blades safely, aim to perform blade maintenance once a year to keep up with your grass. Just like with scissors, sharp lawnmower blades are more effective in providing a high-quality cut.