Florida Winter Lawn Care December 06, 2022 In Florida, caring for your lawn during winter is most greatly affected by your location within the state. For the sake of this article, let’s break the state of Florida...
Managing Your Snow-Covered Lawn December 06, 2022 Winter weather can bring some unique challenges when it comes to taking care of your lawn. Shoveling the driveway is one thing, but what do you do when snow starts...
Interpreting Fertilizer Label Numbers November 30, 2022 What do the three numbers on a fertilizer label stand for? Is a larger number better? (Hint: No). Are smaller numbers indicative of a poorer quality product? (Hint: No). Let’s...
What Role Do Nutrients Play in Photosynthesis? November 18, 2022 Photosynthesis is an incredibly important process that allows plants to create their own food. This process requires a variety of different nutrients, which play different roles in the overall process....
How to Winterize your Lawn November 14, 2022 Lawn winterization is not a one-size-fits-all operation. Two variables that will have the greatest influence on your winterization process are your location and grass type. The combination of location and...
Obtaining the Correct Soil Test for Your Lawn November 04, 2022 Whether you’re a lawn care junkie or just want to fertilize your lawn, it’s a good idea to obtain a soil test to help guide your fertilization efforts. Soil tests...
The Nitrogen Cycle: How Plants Use Nitrogen October 28, 2022 In the soil, nitrogen (N) is found in three different pools: (i) organic forms of N are present in soil organic matter, (ii) N in the form of ammonium ions...
Turfgrasses and Their Drought Tolerance October 21, 2022 Somewhere along your lawn care journey you’ve likely been exposed to language describing the amount of water that specific grasses require in order to survive. Two popular terms used to...
How to Grow Green Grass in Shady Areas October 14, 2022 There are no two ways about it, managing turfgrass in heavy shade can be a major headache. In addition to reducing the amount of light that your turf receives, shade...
Caring for your Warm-Season Lawn During Fall October 07, 2022 During the summer months, warm-season lawn managers typically don’t have a lot to worry about. Keeping up with all the mowing can often be the most challenging aspect of managing...
How does Iron work for deepening the green of your lawn? September 23, 2022 Has your lawn been looking a little yellow or pale lately? It could be an iron deficiency, Iron deficiency is even more likely if you have high-pH soil. Foliar fertilization with iron...
What Does Phosphorus Actually Do For Turfgrass? September 16, 2022 There are 17 elements that are considered essential for plant growth. These elements are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium, magnesium, boron, chlorine, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, nickel,...