Person raking fall leaves off the lawn

Important Lawn Care Methods for This Fall

You've worked hard all spring and summer to perfect that gorgeous green lawn of yours. You don't want all that hard work to go to waste as the seasons change and the days get colder, do you? Of course not! We have all the information you need on how to care for your lawn correctly this fall.


Lawn Aeration and Why It Is Important

While the summer season is a beautiful time of year, the heat puts stress on your lawn. This is where lawn aeration comes into play. Lawn aeration is the process of removing soil plugs from your yard. It frees up passageways for air, water, and nutrients to reach your lawn's roots. Lawn aeration in the fall will help your lawn be green and healthy when spring comes.

The process of lawn aeration can be pricey as the proper procedure includes using a piece of machinery. However, you can rent a core aerator machine for around $100 per day. Once you have removed the plugs, let them sit for a few days, and then break them up all over your lawn with your lawnmower or a rake. Keep in mind, that the more moisture in the soil, the better the results will be.

Compost is another great way to keep your lawn healthy. While lawn aeration brings oxygen to the root system, healthy compost helps to improve the soil structure and hold water in the soil during extreme weather. Grab our lawn aeration soil loosener when you plan to start the process.


Six Lawn Care Tips for Fall

  • Mow
  • Rake
  • Fertilize
  • Pest Control
  • Weed
  • Schedule


Tip #1. Don't Stop Mowing!

You may be thinking that you can ease up on mowing your lawn now that the cooler weather has arrived because you will be inside more. However, it is important to continue to mow your lawn until it frosts over in the wintertime.

Make sure to mow the lawn to a length that allows the blades to stay upright before the wintertime hits. This prevents the grass from compacting during the cold weather season. Keeping your lawn at its standard height until it stops growing is essential for keeping it healthy.

If the temperature is above forty degrees, it is safe to mow your lawn. However, it is essential to also take care of your lawnmower after your last mow of the year. This maintenance includes changing the oil, cleaning the filter, and sharpening the blades.


Tip #2. Make Sure to Rake Often

You may want to leave those pesky leaves until there is a lot, so you don't have to rake as often. However, proper fall lawn care requires you to rake often. If you do not rake the leaves off your lawn, it can prevent sunlight from reaching your grass and providing the proper nutrients.

Leaves also become soggy, which can lead to lawn fungi. The leaves may stop falling in your area, but the wind is sure to bring them back to your lawn. Therefore, you should rake those up as well. While it seems like a lot, raking once a week is the best system for keeping your lawn healthy. You can also mulch the leaves into your lawn with your regular fall lawn mowing.


Tip #3. Use the Fall to Fertilize Your Lawn

Fall is the most critical time of year to fertilize for a healthy lawn. Of course, lawn care is essential year-round, but fall is the most critical time of year for practicing the best lawn care techniques. Fertilizing in the fall gives your lawn plenty of nutrients to get through the winter and helps the grass grow strong when the spring arrives.

If you have investigated lawn aeration, make sure to do that first and fertilize soon afterward. This will ensure that the nutrients from the fertilizer reach deeper into the soil. It is imperative to fertilize your lawn to protect it from extreme heat and cold.


Tip #4. Keep Up with Pest Control

You may be wondering why you should be keeping up with your lawn's pest control even after the bugs are gone for the year. However, your lawn can have severe problems once it starts growing after the winter ends. Therefore, if you have had a pest control problem, handling it in the fall is imperative to limit long-term damage.

Properly caring for your lawn in the fall ensures a successful and healthy regrowth when the cold weather is gone. It may feel silly to be prepping your lawn in the fall for the spring, but healthy, pest-free lawns for spring are created in the fall and winter months.


Tip #5. Address Those Pesky Weeds

If you think about it, the fall is the perfect time to practice your tried-and-true lawn care methods and give your lawn some much-needed TLC before the colder weather comes. Weeding is another priority that needs to be addressed in the fall. Making sure to weed, aerate your lawn, and fertilize sets your lawn up for a great start when the warmer weather returns. Fall is a good time to spray dandelions, as they enter winter dormancy they'll send the herbicide down to the roots along with the nutrients they're storing to overwinter. It is also a good time to put out preemergent for winter annual weeds.


Tip #6. Having A Lawn Care Schedule is Key

Just like schedules in your day-to-day life help keep things in order, the same goes for lawn care. Having a lawn care schedule ensures that your lawn will stay healthy, grow successfully, and continue to have that lush green color.

You need a lawn care schedule for the summer months, but since so much maintenance is required in the fall before the cooler weather arrives, it is vital to have a specific schedule for all fall lawn care, too.

Once the fall season has arrived, set up a lawn care schedule to cover all your bases before the winter hits. This schedule should include raking, lawn aeration, weeding, fertilizing, and anything else you want to include. It is crucial to stay consistent and make sure that you stay on top of your lawn care.

Properly caring for your lawn this fall is vital to the success of your lawn for many seasons and years to come. Knowing the proper methods to execute will be sure to keep your lawn the envy of the neighborhood. From the day the first leaf falls to the day the frost hits your lawn, being able to manage and maintain your yard properly will pay off.

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